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Featured Articles
Power: Which Type Do You Have?

Power: Which Type Do You Have?

Power struggles. They’re real! Whether in personal or workplace relationships, people are often in the middle of them without even knowing it. Many of us navigate daily between two primary sources of influence: personal power and positional power. While personal power...

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The Power of Strategic Thinking

The Power of Strategic Thinking

How do you view strategy? Unavoidable, or a game that gets you motivated and anchored in competitiveness? Do you tend to zero in on the problem and try to come up with solutions, or do you take a bird’s eye approach to the problem and look at all the variables that...

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Leading with Impact: How Values Drive Success

Leading with Impact: How Values Drive Success

Let’s talk about values. What are they? I bet if I asked you right now to take 1-2 minutes to write down the top 10 most important values that you live by, you might have a hard time doing so. Why? Because values are ingrained within us, from our childhood and into...

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Toxic Work Culture

Toxic Work Culture

“Culture eats strategy for breakfast.” Peter Drucker If you are currently working in a larger organization, or even if you only have a small team, this is a topic worth considering. Many times we tend to focus so much on strategy within business to meet revenue goals,...

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Becoming a Thought Leader on LinkedIn

Becoming a Thought Leader on LinkedIn

Have you ever scrolled through your LinkedIn feed and wondered how some people seem to effortlessly command attention and influence? Well, you're not alone. Today, establishing yourself as a thought leader on LinkedIn has become increasingly important for...

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