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To unlock your team’s potential and drive exceptional performance, understanding your leadership style is essential. Let’s dive deeper into the critical distinctions between Armored Leadership (being a knower and being right) and Daring Leadership (being a learner and getting it right).

Armored Leadership hinges on the need for certainty, self-defense, and maintaining control. This approach frequently cultivates a fixed mindset, stifling progress, and creative thinking. By placing importance on always being right, leaders may unintentionally build a culture of anxiety and suspicion.

Key traits:

1. Aversion to authenticity and openness

2. Insistence on correctness and infallibility

3. Propensity for excessive control and oversight

Daring Leadership, in contrast, champions vulnerability and places greater emphasis on continuous learning versus possessing all the answers. This mindset fosters a growth-oriented culture, encouraging ongoing development and adaptability. Leaders dedicated to getting it right create an atmosphere where trust and collaboration can thrive.

Key traits:

1. Receptiveness to vulnerability and transparency

2. Dedication to accuracy and improvement

3. Encouragement of autonomy and self-reliance

Take a moment to consider which leadership style resonates with you and its impact on your team’s dynamics. As we persistently seek growth as leaders, let’s recognize the importance of cultivating an environment that nurtures development and empowers those we lead.


1. Brené Brown, “Dare to Lead: Brave Work. Tough Conversations. Whole Hearts.” (2018)

2. Carol S. Dweck, “Mindset: The New Psychology of Success.” (2006)

#UnlockingPotential #GrowthMindset #DaringLeadership #ArmoredLeadership #TeamSuccess #BuildingTrust #EmpoweringTeams #RobertaPellantConsulting #Leadershiptraining